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Following the North Star

Data and Targets for Inclusive Growth

Informing regional leaders and providing visibility to the public on St. Louis’ progress towards inclusive economic growth and competitiveness.

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How we measure inclusive growth

Our metrics framework consists of four North Star measures along with aspirational targets to close the gap with better performing peer regions by 2030. We measure progression by tracking outcomes in four Focus Areas.

Inclusive Growth Metrics table, which includes the 4 key north star metrics, the 4 focus areas and the associated focus area outcome metrics, totaling 13 across the 4 focus areas.

Addressing Racial Disparity in Our Region

We must face the deep structural challenges to inclusive growth. Where possible, all metrics will be disaggregated by key inclusivity lenses. Targets for median household income and home ownership will focus on closing our metro’s Black-to-white racial parity gap, striving toward gap elimination.

United Stats map with the following cities and states filled in to highlight them as peer cities to St. Louis, MO: Baltimore, MD, Charlotte, NC, Cincinnati, OH, Columbus, OH, Detroit, MI, Indianapolis, IN, Kansas City, MO, Louisville, KY, Minneapolis, MN, Nashville, TN, Pittsburgh, PA, Raleigh/Durham, NC Tampa, FL

Benchmarking Performance Against Peer Markets

We selected peer metros based on comparable population, economic profile, and/or geography. St. Louis competes against many of these metros for business and talent.

  • Baltimore, MD
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Columbus, OH
  • Detroit, MI
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Louisville, KY
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Nashville, TN
  • Pittsburgh, PA
  • Raleigh/Durham, NC
  • Tampa, FL

Measuring Growth

Person with line graph trend line to represent Population Growth
Population Growth

Steady population growth drives a thriving regional economy. People are a critical regional asset and racial equity and inclusion strengthens communities. A growing, diverse, and dynamic workforce is key to economic success.

2030 Target
Average Annual Growth Through 2030 (~180K Ppl)
Population growth by peer MSA 2016-2022, shows 3 trend lines, St. Louis, US and Peer Average

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Dollar sign with circular arrows to represent GDP Growth
GDP Growth

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of a regional economy, estimates the total value of the goods and services produced in a metropolitan area. Real GDP growth is an inflation adjusted measure of a growing economy.

2030 Target
Average Annual Growth Through 2030
GDP growth per capita by peer MSA 2016-2021; shows 3 trend lines, St. Louis, US and Peer Average

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Home with dollar sign to represent Median Household Income Growth
Median Household Income Growth

This income metric can provide insight into a region’s economic equality. Shrinking the racial gap in household income would strengthen families and the economy by bolstering consumer spending and driving an increase in GDP.

2030 Targets
Average Annual Growth Through 2030
Reduction in Black-to-White Gap by 2030 (~$18K)
Median household income growth by peer MSA 2016-2021; shows 3 trend lines, St. Louis, US and Peer Average

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Key to represent Home Ownership
Home Ownership Rate

Home ownership is a widely available and effective way to build household wealth and prosperity. Closing the racial home ownership gap allows more St. Louisans to build equity to pay for education or start a business.

2030 Targets
Average Annual Rate Through 2030
Reduction in Black-to-white Gap by 2030 (11% Pts)
Percent change in home ownership rate by peer MSA 2016-2021; shows 3 trend lines, St. Louis, US and Peer Average

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Simple profile outline of a person with brain highlighted to represent educational attainment
Educational Attainment

An educated workforce supports local business growth and is key to global competetiveness. Educational attainment is correlated with earning potential, while equity is critical to building a strong workforce.

Educational attainment by race/ethnicity by peer MSA for 2021 shown across all races by bachelor's degree or higher

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Gear with silhouette of a person in the center to represent labor force
Labor Force

Businesses make expansion and location decisions based on access to talent. Good employment opportunities can draw and retain people in the region. An inclusive labor force strengthens households, communities, and businesses.

Labor force by peer msa, showing percent change in rate at chich labor force as grown or declined relative to 2016 through 2021; shows 3 trend lines, one for St. Louis, one for Peer Average and one for US

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Simple outline of a hand holding a money symbol to represent cost of living
Cost of Living

A region’s cost of living has a broad impact on quality of neighborhoods, housing, and economic opportunities. Our competitive cost-of-living is attractive to businesses looking to relocate or expand in St. Louis.

Cost of living comparison of St. Louis against Peer cities using regional price parities to measure the differences in price levels across states and metro areas for 2021 as a percentage of the overall national price level

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Outline of a hand shaking the silhouette of another hand to form a heart representing quality of community
Quality of Community

Talent is attracted to great places to live. The quality of community reflects the degree to which a community is thriving based on investment in and abundance of arts, culture, greenspace, and neighborhood amenities.

Parks accessibility bar graph showing St. Louis compared to peer cities defied as the percentage of the population within the geographic area that lives within a half mile radius of a park

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Car with a forward arrow representing ease of commuting
Commuting Ease

Reasonable commuting time can bolster employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. Communities benefit when roads are not congested and public transit is easily accessible and reliable.

Average commute time by peer MSA from 2016 to 2021; shows 3 trend lines, one for St. Lous, one for Peer Average and one for US to compare average commute time in minutes for this 5-year period

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Airplane taking off with horizon in the background to represent airport connectivity
Airport Connectivity

Air traffic provides insight into the accessibility and connectivity of the region to national and global hubs, which enables economic growth, tourism, and business attraction and growth.

Direct flight routes and airline operations by peer MSA, showing total direct flight routes from St. Louis compared to peer cities in 2023

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Delivery truck icon to represent freight and logistics
Freight & Logistics

Transport of goods to, from, and through the MSA indicates the connectivity of the region’s logistics network and volume of trade.

Percent change in total tonnage by peer MSA, shows trend line of peer average and St. Louis, showing percent change measuring the rate at which the total tonnage has grown or declined relative to 2016 through 2021

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Communication tower with consistent and even waves showing broadband connectivity
Broadband Connectivity

Broadband is essential infrastructure that delivers economic benefits to individuals and communities. Internet access and affordability enables social connectivity, workforce participation, and economic opportunity.

Percent change in households with broadband internet by peer msa from 2016-2021; shows 3 trend lines comparing St. Louis to Peer Average and US showing percent of households with internet access

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Briefcase icon with upward graph element indicating job growth
Jobs Growth

Jobs are the pulse of a thriving community. Job growth is a primary tool for measuring economic health. The following views address jobs growth by county and employees, annual wages, and job growth by industry.

Employment growth by peer MSA from 2016-2021; shows 3 trend lines comparing St. Louis to Peer Average and US showing percent change in total employment

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Storefront icon with upward graph element indicating business growth
Business Growth

St. Louis’ ability to support new small and medium sized business formation and sustain these businesses is fundamental to a vibrant economy.

Percent change in new small and medium businesses firths by peer MSAs, shows St. Louis trend line of percent change compared to peer average from 2016-2020

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Light bulb with arrow and plus sign representing continued innovation

Research and innovation are key to metro success in high tech industries. We track U.S. federal government Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards and patents granted.

Number of annual SBIR/STTR Awards by Peer MSA 2018-2022; shows 3 trend lines comparing St. Louis to Peer Average and US showing number of awards annually

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Buildings set inside a bar graph to represent real estate assets such as quality office, industrial, and retail space
Real Estate Assets

Thriving commercial markets are a key element of a community’s business environment. Available quality office, industrial, and retail space with competitive rental rates help attract and retain regional employers.

Commercial space vacancy rate by peer for Q1 2023, bar graph shows St. Louis compared to peer cities and is broken out by industrial, office and retail

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An icon of a person alongside a bar graph to represent the measurement of homicides and to indicate the importance of reducing violent crime rates

Homicide is our top regional crime problem. Along with a tragic loss of life, violence impacts business and talent relocation decisions. Reducing violent crime is critical to save lives and advance inclusive economic growth.

Homicide rate per 100,000 population by MSA showing St. Louis and peer cities using date from 2018 through 2020 depending on the most recent year reported in that city

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